Tuesday, April 21, 2015


As a final point, depression is a mental health disease that many college students suffer from. There are many ways to control depression but in order for them to work you first need to accept that you suffer from it. Depression can be a disease hard to detect because the symptoms are not specific. College students are more exposed to get depression because they are under a lot of stress and responsibilities.  Also, depression can lead students to many bad actions that can harm them and others such as:
drinking alcohol
marijuana use
or the use of any other drug

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thesis Statement

Depression is making a big impact in college students, and the universities administrates need to plan a way to control this disease. There is a program called Active Minds which it helps students with any mental disease. I suggest all universities to incorporate this program to help their students.
During the last decade statistics have shown an increase on depression in college students which is caused by many life events. Schools have administrative centers to treat depression but they should incorporate Active Minds in their institutions.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Schools Involved ?

Colleges have been offering counseling centers and advisers for students for more than a decade. There are counseling center in schools that offer free mental health services. Also, there are short-term or long-term counseling also called therapy.
Nowadays, colleges have more than ten advisers that will help you answer all your questions. Counselors not only deal with depression and classes, they also help students with health issues, eating disorders or stress.
Also, school provide a gym or physical activities such as:
Basket ball and many others.

Counselors often recommend  to exercise or at least get out of the school routine and find a group study, if you do not want to neglect grades. Also, take advantage of technology, talk to family member or friends. During your first year in college it will most likely be difficult to adjust and find friends, so this will be a good idea to talk to someone. Schools offer many computers and a library that will help you relax and get in contact with your love ones. 
According to an article written by Amy Novotney on the American Psychological Association, there is an organization of more than 400 students called Active Minds that help students with mental health issues. This organization will help you through out college and not only that but you will receive advise from students that lived  what you are living. 

Colleges are providing more and more group studies and activities either in or off campus, Make sure you talk to your teacher or counselor and they will be more than welcome to help you. 


National Institure of Mental Health. "Ansers to College Studetns' Frequently Asked Questions About Depression." Depression and College Students. Nimh.nih.gov.  2012. Web. 

Burnsed Brian. "5 Tips to Avoid Depression in College." Usnews.com. Nov 19, 2010. Web

What Leads Students to Depression?

Depression does not come only from one sickness. It has several factors that can lead to depression and many of them are highly present in a life from a college student. In addition, some people already have genes that carry a high risk of depression.Also, a major change in a life time can cause stress and depression. Or just the simple fact of not knowing how to make a decision on their own.
Living away from their parents house can be a cause of depression as well.
According to an article in Psyweb.com, Alex Groberman explained that by an individual feeling many levels of emotions this will cause a stress hormone cortisol to be produce in excess.
 Many of these factors can lead to a college student to depression because they might feel alone in this big change. Many students find their selves really attached to their parents and when it is time for them to move out, students find it difficult to adapt to a life on their own.
Students might also feel alone and isolated and this can be a cause of depression as well. Because college students focus more in their academical life, they tend to leave their social life on the side. Also, worrying about finances and sometimes difficult school work can make a college student lose heir mind and fall in depression. Since, a college life can get really expensive, students might have to find other alternatives, work. If a student works he/she needs to balance school homework and work and still make sure he/she has enough money to pay their expenses and have good grades. 


Schwarz Alan, "More College Freshmen Report Having Felt Depressed." The New York Times, Feb 5, 2015. Web. 

Kerr Michael. "Depression and College Students." Healthline.com. March 29, 2012. Web. 

Maldonado Marissa. "Top 5 Mental Issues College Students Face." Sovhealth.com. Dec 17. 2014. Web 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Depression is one of the first reasons students drop out of school. During college, students come across many challenges and sometimes students do not know how to overcome them and they fall into depression. Depression can be shown in many different ways for example lack of eating,  insomnia, thoughts of suicide and many others.

According to an article written by Michael Kerr in 2012, 44 percent of American college students have symptoms of depression.  Most of the time this signs and symptoms will led students to many bad behaviors such as:
Alcohol use
Smoke marijuana
Sexual behaviors 

Nowadays, there has been a rise in students who feel depressed. According to a nationwide survey, "The American Freshman: National Norms Fall 2014," found that thee was an increase in depressed students with a 6.1 percent. From 150,000 students that participated in the nationwide survey a 9.5 percent resulted with feelings of depression since they started going to college. 

Sometimes, students will focus more in school and studying other than socializing with classmates and other people. School has always been an expensive, but worth it decision, which can cause futures better. By getting a degree a person can be able to get a better job, and by getting a better job a person will have a better economic life. But, in order to do all this, a person needs to pay their education. Nowadays students are getting many school loans to pay their school expenses and there is no income to pay debts from loans.

The fact that a college student has many economic problems and many debts can cause them depression. Students, just like anyone else, can suffer from depression by living a major event such as:

Moving out/in
New changes
Inadequate sleep
Academic pressure
and over all the transition to college life.

Depression in more likely to be shown in female students, there is a ten percent higher chance of expecting depressive symptoms. Female college students tent to be more heavily socialized concerned about others and in making new relationship with others. 

Unlike women, male students tend to be more accurate in healthy and body expectations and they tend to relay more in educational achievements. 


Keith Tiana."Depression and its Negative Effect on College Students." East Carolina University, Vol 9, 2014. Web.

Schwarz Alan. "More College Freshmen Report Having Felt Depressed". The New York Times, Education. Feb 5, 2015. Web.

Novatney Amy. "Students under pressure". American Pshycological Association. Apa.org. Sep 2014. Vol 45. Web.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Research papaer essay 3

Hello every one. I will write about depression in college students and my primary topic is mental health. I hope I have fun doing my research and specially in this class. I choose this topic because like me a lot of people are in college, but some people find it really difficult that they fall on depression. I want to find statistics and updated information, so here we go. Whish me luck! :)